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Strength and fitness has always meant a lot to me and I dont mean in a competitive "blowing smoke up my own ass" type of way, but more of a "lifelong journey" type of way. Without this lifestyle I would have no organisation or motivation to try other things, whether that be career wise or down to something as simple as learning to cook something new.


My training and nutrition from a young age was always tailored towards athletes I looked up to, starting with the worlds strongest men and bodybuilders. I eventually became involved with powerlifting, knocking out a couple of local competitions. In the near future I wish to take my game to the next level and compete nationally, then progress from there. Constantly wanting to better myself has taught me that there is always more to learn and tailoring your nutrition and training programmes in a goal oriented way is vital to reach the next level. This is not just true with powerlifting but with every goal in fitness and health... correctly tailored and follwed programmes are key to goal achievment.


I believe when it comes to health and fitness, "the journey" is a path that this lifestyle will take you down. Everyone has different goals, so progression down this path of better nutrition and excercise is individual. Thats why whatever path you take with me, all the plans will be personal.


Lifestyle changes can be a struggle, with fad diets and bollox programming like "15 minute abs", "add an inch to your bi's in a day", it is easy to get confused. These types of plans need to be binned and the authors beheaded (just my opinion). But in all seriousness these are very difficult factors to avoid. Good support and education from someone with understanding is essential to avoid going around in circles. A personal trainer at your side will offer exactly that, along with great motivation.

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